Our Success

At SteelHead Management, we pride ourselves on top-notch customer service, and we strive to bring a high-quality product to the multifamily market. To ensure we’re providing our residents with a first-rate living experience, we listen carefully to resident feedback, suggestions, and concerns – and with that, comes recognition for our success. SteelHead Management and our properties have been honored with several accolades.

Rammy Award for Backpack Hero Award for SteelHead Management in Richmond, Virginia

BAckpack Hero award

The Scout Scott's Addition

Rammy Award for Conventional Community of the Year for The Scout Scott's Addition

Conventional Community of the Year

The Scout Scott's Addition

Rammy Award for Urban Community of the Year for SteelHead Management in Richmond, Virginia

Urban Community of the Year

The Ella Scott's Addition

Best Community Team - The Ella Scott's Addition SteelHead Management in Richmond, Virginia


The Ella Scott's Addition

Rammy Award for Marketing Professional of the Year, Sue Anderson

Marketing Professional of the Year

Sue Anderson

Rammy Award for Best Resident Lifestyle, The Scout Scott's Addition

Best Resident Lifestyle

The Scout Scott's Addition

Rammy for Urban Community of the Year, The Scout Scott's Addition in Richmond, Virginia

Urban Community of the Year

The Scout Scott's Addition

Leasing Professional of the Year, Spenser Colemen


Spenser Coleman

Rammy for Markting Professional of the Year, Christine Campbell

Marketing Professional of the Year

Christine Campbell

Satisfacts 2023 Resident Satisfaction Award for SteelHead Management in Richmond, Virginia

Resident Satisfaction Award

SteelHead Management

Satisfacts 2022 Resident Satisfaction Award for SteelHead Management in Richmond, Virginia

Resident Satisfaction Award

SteelHead Management

Satisfacts 2021 Resident Satisfaction Award for SteelHead Management in Richmond, Virginia

Resident Satisfaction Award

SteelHead Management

Satisfacts 2020 Resident Satisfaction Award for SteelHead Management in Richmond, Virginia

Resident Satisfaction Award

SteelHead Management

Resident Satisfaction Award

SteelHead Management

Welcome Home.